so we finally found, had an offer accepted & purchased a new home. happy day, BUT we are now in the third week of trying to sell our current house & that's a bit stressful since the market is a tad sluggish at the moment. so i'm praying and keeping my fingers crossed so i can enjoy the journey that's ahead of us. i'm posting pictures of the current condition of the house so i can have documentation of the transformations we'll make through the years. my highly ambitions hubby already had work start in the yard before i could get some snapshots so it has already changed somewhat. we are very excited about this new home since it has great bones & potential. it will be fun to experience all the different changes. the kids are excited as well although i don't think lexi "fully" gets it, but sebi is excited & i believe a bit apprehensive since he will be leaving what he knows...& loves. he will learn to love the new place even more once it becomes his new secure haven. the one that will absolutely LOVE it will be mocha since his play yard just got a whole lot bigger. so here are a few pictures of our blank slate with a whole lot of wallpaper on it!
home sweet home.
i can cook in this kitchen, yes i can!
mOcha!!! oh, yeah he's gonna love it! backyard, work in progress, we already had three sheds, a shrub wall & a bunch of other stuff ripped out. VERY, very exciting! can't wait to settle in & make it the new materazo home.
Fabulous!!! What a DARLING house!! I can't wait to see what you do with it!!!
Posted by: Jen | October 18, 2007 at 04:03 PM
Beautiful house ! it's so big...
I'm sure you're going to enojoy it very much! Congratulations !!
Posted by: María Julia | November 03, 2007 at 04:33 PM