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September 21, 2015



Great ideas for some unique pumpkins! Love them all and the best part is I can do them!!

MaryJo Materazo

thanks for stopping by annmarie. and yes, super easy. if you have all your supplies & tools lined up it should take an hour or less to do each kind. enjoy! xo-mj


Thanks for that inspiration. I'm having a hard time getting started with Fall this year and you have encouraged me to get with it! Love all the different ways!


These are all great ideas.....I think I need a trip to the Dollar Store!

Linda@Coastal Charm

Thanks so much for sharing all your cute pumpkins with us at Show and Share...luv the price tag too.


MaryJo Materazo

that's great to hear. that's why i love blogland. always inspiring. would love to see what you come up with!

xo- mj

MaryJo Materazo

thanks for stopping by & commenting linda. i love your parties & thanks for hosting! c ya next week!
xo- mj

Debra Oliver

Hi Mary Jo, lovin' all the ways you transformed your pumpkins. Especially the moss covered ones, oh yea, my favorite! I'll be sharing this post on Share Your Style this week. thanks for joining in!

MaryJo Materazo

thanks so much for stopping by debra & leaving your sweet comment. i love the moss ones too & glad you liked them. i'm honored for the feature. xo- mj

Jann Olson

Great transformations! I especially love the white ones with the fun stems, but all are cute. I have decoupaged a tall faux pumpkin a couple years ago and found that to be fun. I love moss as well. Thanks for sharing with SYC.

MaryJo Materazo

thanks for stopping by jann! love linking up to your party every week. xo- mj

Kathryn Griffin @TheDedicatedHouse

Great makeover! Thank you for sharing. You are one of the fan favorites at the Sunday Showcase from the Make it Pretty Monday party at The Dedicated House. Here is the link so you can check out your feature. http://www.thededicatedhouse.com/2015/10/the-sunday-showcase-from-make-it-pretty.html Hope to see you again at the party. Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse

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hello, hola, bonjour. I’m MARYJO, a vintage soul, who’s married to my honey, aka mr. M., who made all my dreams come true. He made me his wife, he made me a mother and me makes me laugh each & every day. My life revolves around my family & my home and on this blog I share all the pieces of this wonderful life. I love all things that are weathered, tattered, tarnished, rusted, faded, shabby, & distressed because they have a story to tell. Here I tell my story, which includes my love for cooking, home decor, gardening, traveling, entertaining, crafting, and anything that makes life pretty, fun & interesting. welcome & thanks for visiting. XO
